A Digital Flora
of Newfoundland and Labrador
Vascular Plants

Sapindaceae: Soapberry Family

Acer spicatum Lam.

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Page created December 16, 2002
Page last updated August 24, 2013

Navigate this Page - "Sapindaceae: Soapberry Family":
Acer platanoides
Acer pseudoplatanus
Acer rubrum
Acer spicatum
Aesculus hippocastanum

Acer platanoides Linnaeus  -  Norway Maple - [NF] [e]
St. John's, Newfoundland. Pine Bud Avenue. May 28, 2007. [Digital - John Maunder]
Flower and Buds
Flower and Buds
Flower and Buds
Flower and Buds
Flowering Branchlets
St. John's, Newfoundland. Anglican Cathedral, at Gower Street. June 3, 2004. [Digital - John Maunder]
Flowers, Closeup
Flowers, Closeup
Flowers, Closeup
Flowers, Closeup
St. John's, Newfoundland. Maypark Place. Urban garden. June 9, 2002. [Digital - John Maunder]
Flowers and Leaves

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Acer pseudoplatanus Linnaeus  -  Sycamore Maple - [NF] [e]
St. John's, Newfoundland. Maypark Place. Urban garden. June 9, 2002. [Digital - John Maunder]
Flowers, Extreme Closeup True male flowers
Flowers, Closeup True male flowers
Flowers and Leaves
St. John's, Newfoundland. Waterford River. Disturbed ground near old railway line. June 13, 2002. [Digital - John Maunder]
Flowers and Twigs Functionally female flowers above, functionally male flowers below
Flowers and Twigs Functionally female flowers above, functionally male flowers below
Brigus, Newfoundland. Urban street, near riverhead. September 25, 2006. [Digital - John Maunder]
Samaras [fruit]
Leaves and Samaras
Leaves and Samaras
Brigus, Newfoundland. Urban street. October 9, 2004. [Digital - John Maunder]
Samaras [fruit]
Samaras [fruit]

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Acer rubrum Linnaeus  -  Red Maple, Swamp Maple - [NF]
Marble Mountain, Newfoundland. Beaver Pond Trail. Mature mixed woods. July 17, 2002. [Digital - John Maunder]
Acer spicatum on left, Acer rubrum on right.
Pasadena, Newfoundland. Cross-country ski trail. July 17, 2002. [Digital - John Maunder]
"Red Maple Ocellate Gall Midge" Damage
"Red Maple Ocellate Gall Midge" Damage

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Acer spicatum Lamarck  -  Mountain Maple - [NF, LAB]
Torbay, Newfoundland. Three Island Pond Road. Edge of woods. June 4, 2006. [Digital - John Maunder]
Flower Buds
Flower Buds and Leaves
Flower Buds and Leaves
Marble Mountain, Newfoundland. Beaver Pond Trail. Mature mixed woods. July 17, 2002. [Digital - John Maunder]
Male Flowers
Male Flowers and Samaras [Fruits]
Male Flowers and Samaras [Fruits]
Acer spicatum on left, Acer rubrum on right.
Spaniard's Bay, Newfoundland. "The Gorge". Damp, rocky edge of river. Shadey. July 18, 2003. [Digital - John Maunder]
Samaras [fruits]
Samaras [fruits]

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Aesculus hippocastanum Linnaeus  -  Horse Chestnut- [NF] [c]
Clarkes Beach, Newfoundland. Urban garden. May 1, 2004. [Digital - John Maunder]
St. John's, Newfoundland. Grounds of Anglican Cathedral. Planted. June 25, 2003. [Digital - John Maunder]
Flower Parts, Closeup
Flower Parts
Inflorescence and Leaves
Inflorescence and Leaves
St. John's, Newfoundland. Forest Road. Planted. October 17, 2003. [Digital - John Maunder]
Fruit and Leaves
Fruit and Leaves

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